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4 Things to Remember to Have a Perfect Vacation with Your Partner

Plan Your Honeymoon

While a vacation sounds truly an exciting idea, many couples fail to bring the best out of their holiday due to unwanted circumstances. Instead of showering each other “love,” what they do is fight, and the worst thing that could happen is the both of them going home without a relationship to call anymore.

Romantic Vacations
Image Source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

Though we cannot deny the fact that quarrels happen between couples, you don’t want to get in a holiday fight with you partner. Since a vacation is a valuable time for us, the emotions in here can be pretty intense. And what causes the holiday fights? Well, they are those unrealistic expectations, planning failures, and clash of ideas that also happen in the normal days of the relationship. The good thing is, we can do something to get rid of these unwanted fights and enjoy a great vacation with your partner. How? Read on…

1. Make sure that you both agree to go to the same place.

You want to go hiking in the mountains of South Africa, but she wants to sun-bathe in the beaches of Hawaii. If your idea of a perfect vacation only clashes and you cannot make a truce, you better take your holiday separately. This is one of the primary reasons why you should not book a vacation and do a reservation for accommodations and activities without consulting each other. Like a relationship is comprised of a mutual understanding, decisions to be taken should be a fruit of mutual understanding as well.

No matter how you would want to go into a place, but your partner is not up for it, you have to keep your calm and check your options. The world is so big and you will not run out of destinations to explore.  Find one that can give you the best of both worlds!

2. Divide the budget equally.

Travel Budget
Image Source: Flickr (Click on image for bigger size)

The budget is one of the top causes of tension among couples especially if the other is a bit spender than the other. Money should not be a cause of any misunderstanding so you have to handle the situation early before the trip.

Take a moment together to sit and work on your travel budget. Set aside all the amount you need for transportation, food, accommodation, and the activities you are planning to participate with. The remaining amount, divide it into two for your travel allowances. Now that both of you have a fair share, no one will be bitter.

3. Do not nag your partner on the road.

Early on the trip, you have to agree among yourselves who will play the navigator. If you allowed your partner to be the one, then you have to follow and try not to make a scene when he happens to drive in the wrong way. Of course, you can share some of the reminders if you are getting into the wrong direction, but you don’t have to shove him out of the steering wheel and take control from there.

Nagging is a big no-no while you are in a road trip. It is ultimately annoying, a mood changer, and is ultimately dangerous. Take it on the movies! See how many car crashes are caused by some petty arguments?

4. Expect the unexpected.

Vacations like this wherein you will have to spend more time with your partner gives you the opportunity to know more him or her better. If it is the first time you will be together as a couple and you find out some habits you didn’t know before, never, ever freak out. These nasty surprises like snoring, teeth grinding, or that spending too much time in the bath or in the mirror should not annoy you. After all, if you truly love one another, no irritating habit should be able to tear you apart.

Being in a holiday with your loved one is such an amazing opportunity to show how much you adore each other, so expect the unexpected. Do not raise the bar and set some requirements for your partner.  You know that relationships don’t work that way.

Every couple should experience a good travel before getting married. Exploring a new country, going hiking, and doing fun activities travelers do will not only bring you the relaxation you need; it allows you to spend more time with one another, take care of each other, and weave wonderful stories you can  tell your children in the future.

Have a happy and romantic trip!

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