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5 Most Important Travel Blogging Tips Every Newbie Should Know About

Travel Blog Tips

If you love to travel, writing a travel blog is a great way to document your every trip. To visit places bring wonderful experiences, and while you can store everything in your mind, to share it is giving others a chance to learn from you.

More to sharing and being read online, a travel blog allows you to re-read your post and reminisce the beautiful memories. Most of us don’t have a photographic memory, and having a journal to take us back to our previous escapades is a great way to rekindle our romance with places. You don’t need to have a degree in writing or in photography to make your own travel blog. Just get that pen and paper, that camera and laptop and start putting your experience into words.

Take Photos for Your Travel Blog
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1. Write to express.

Back in college, we were often told, “Write not to impress, but to express.” This applies the same in personal travel blogging. There are many travel blogs out there written for different purpose, and you have your purpose of writing yours. Do not be caught with the insecurity that others blogs are better than yours. It’s your story, your experience you are sharing, and people have different experiences and point of views in their travels. As long as you are not stepping on other’s rights, write…for you are in the right track.

2. Be informative and give your readers value.

Travel Blog Tips
Image Source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

The best of travel learnings come out because of the traveler’s passion to discover. When it is your passion you are writing about, it is not difficult to bring out ideas that can be helpful to others.

You may be simply journaling your travel experiences and is not thinking that somebody will read it. However, in the online world, anything could happen, and providing valuable content will not stop readers from coming back to your blog. Aside from writing to express and to tell stories, you can also write to inform people, to inspire and motivate them. You will never know how your writing can impact on other’s lives.

3. Improve your skills for photography.

Travel Photography
Image Source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

You cannot underestimate the power of a good photograph to create a great blog. Most people are visual, especially those reading online. Well-taken photographs increases the chance of getting visitors to read your blog and bring them to your to your travel.

More importantly, brushing up your photography skills is essential to capture your best experiences. It can only be once that you will visit a country, and taking amazing pictures is storing your most adored scene in the place.

4. Discover your own style and work to be better.

Every travel blogger have his or her writing style. As a newbie in travel blogging, you are still up to discover your own style. Do not try to copy other’s work, rather, take them as your inspiration. Every moment you write is an opportunity to discover the possibilities to make you a better blogger.

Experience will teach you in the long run. Read travel magazines, there are many travel authors who already succeeded in their niche, learn also from their experiences, and learn from how they tell their own stories as you develop yourself to be a better travel blogger.

5. Be consistent in updating your blog.

To make the most of blogging, you have to be consistent in updating it. When you already become a “influencer” in your niche, readers will start checking your blog for updates and not providing new content for a long time is lessening your engagement to your readers.

There are so many to write about travel. If you have no present exploration, you can write some tips that can be helpful for future travellers based on your experience. Be interactive!

There are myriad of majestic places all-over the world that graced photographer’s lenses, became subject of a painter’s art, and became of subject of a poets poetry. These places stirred hearts, inculcated inspiration, changed people’s lives, and weaved wonderful stories worthy to be retold. Do not miss the opportunity to express your own passion and share your own travel story to the world. No matter how simple it is, a traveller’s experiences is valuable.

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