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8 Things You Need To Prepare For Your Travel Adventure, Number 7 Should Be Done Asap

adventure travel
adventure travel
Image source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

1. Don’t be stuck with a giant suitcase

Don’t bring your whole house. Not literally but it means don’t bring too much things on your travel. Assuming you have done your homework about the place, if you will just travel on deserts, you don’t need to bring camping or hiking gear. Don’t bring a backpack that will give you body ache within a few minutes of carrying.  Get an adequate break while travelling. Drink an adequate amount of fluids to prevent colds and dehydration. It is advisable to carry a collapsible water bottle.

2. Gear needs not to be expensive

You really don’t need The North Face, Pacsafe and other well-known very expensive travel gears. Having these expensive items may do more harm to you since you will be an easy target by thieves and other travelers too.  You will end up not using these items at all and you just have thrown away hundreds of dollars.

Know and consult with veteran travelers about quality travel gears and tools such as slash-proof backpack, tent, compass, rain gear, utility knife, etc. These inexpensive items are just everywhere waiting to be bought by you.

3. Weapons and self-defense

Swiss Army knife or utility knife and pepper spray can be good weapons during your travel. If there were bandits asking only for your belongings, better give these to them than being killed. Just know the details of the incident and the bandits then, report this to the police. (It depends on the place, make sure the police there are not the crooked ones)

If someone will attack you, use your basic self-defense skills and run away from the suspect. You may also use a whistle so the suspect might run away and will not continue to attack you.

4. Choosing backpacks

Don’t wear backpacks that are bright colored as it will be easy dirtied. Red and blue ones are okay though. If you are choosing backpacks, test the weight of these in an empty state then, choose the lightest one. Backpacks must be rain-proof. It will be best if the backpacks are slash proof and can be locked as well.

You can bring 2 bags during your flight. One stroller and one backpack. Whatever you choose between these two for the checked-in, just bring a backpack during your adventure travel. Since adventure travel involves lots of walking, don’t load your adventure bag with heavy stuff. Just pack as light as you can where you can just walk until an hour carrying your backpack.

5. Clothes and shoes

Cotton fabrics are the best to wear because it will absorb your sweat making yourself feel more comfortable. Strapped sandals, laced-up rubber shoes or closed shoes are the best shoes for adventure travelling. Bring underwear and socks as many as your travelling days. For cargo pants, shirts and jackets, just bring only a few and do the laundry. Here’s the guide for making laundry while travelling. Dark colors are preferred as dirt will not be too visible. You must bring a jacket and a long sleeve collared shirt (not polo) so in case you will hike in a mountain full of flower thorns or if the weather is too sunny, you can protect yourself. Bring shades and hat with you.

adventure travel tips
Image source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

You don’t need Adidas or Nike clothing. You just have to choose clothes that are appropriate for camping, hiking, walking, etc. As possible, wear clothes that cannot easily be torn.

Expensive hiking shoes or rubber shoes will be put into waste because these will also become dirty and at the same time can be torn depending on the situation.

6. Sunscreen and mosquito repellent

Use sunscreen not just in swimming, but also in doing your land adventure. Protect yourself from UV rays and sunburn. Bring mosquito repellent for you to prepare in going and sleeping outdoors.

7. Insurance, photocopy and journal

Take flight, medical and travel insurance. Coordinate with your insurance providers about the policies and if you are still covered during your adventure travel even you are going to climb a mountain, camping, doing research, etc.

Save scanned travel documents on a digitally password protected device. You can also have hardcopies of these. (one copy each). Write on your journal your adventures so you won’t easily forget the details.

8. Carefully make friends

It is okay to introduce yourself and make friends with fellow adventure travelers and locals but don’t be too friendly. Still take caution in securing your belongings and personal identity. Don’t give your personal info. If you trust these people, just give your phone and email details on or one day before the day of your flight departure.

Don’t be a braggart. Don’t dress like you are the richest traveler in the neighborhood. Look like a middle-class traveler so you won’t be a thief, hoarder and bandit magnet. Bringing essentials and knowing what to do makes your adventure safe and more exciting. Discover and inspire yourself to be a traveler sharing knowledge to others.

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