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Hiking’s Big 3 for Safety and Precautions, No. 3 is a Must!


Hiking is a pretty enjoyable hobby and activity.  It is mostly safe and uneventful, as well as fulfilling in its own way. However, no matter how safe it is, there are still a few things that we must pay heed to when hiking. This thing is what we basically call “safety”.

Image source: Flickr

Many would argue that hiking is one of the safest activities one can do. However, when you are out there in the middle of the wilderness and away from civilization, a lot of things are possible to happen.

Whether you believe this or not, every hiker should never forsake even a bit of precaution when planning for a hike. May it be alone or with friends, in a local destination or in a far off place, a little preparation will not hurt.

To start off, take note of these three giants in hiking safety:

1. Preparation

In any kind of journey, may it be near or far, at sea or land, mental or physical, preparation is always that something which every traveler should never ever forget.

Hiking Preparations
Image source: Flickr (Click on image for bigger size)

For a hiking trip, you should plan out beforehand. Careful planning of every aspect of the coming trip is something which can be relied upon during times of emergencies. In this case, questions of where to go and what to bring usually pops in our mind.

After deciding on where to go, conduct a bit of research about the trail and the weather. Is the terrain rocky or not? Is weather predictable of not? Read about scientific facts as well as personal experiences of people who have gone through the trail before you.

This will help you know better and fair better once you start your hike. Knowing such thing will instill you with knowledge of what to expect, what to wear, and how to react to the natural conditions which happens at the place.

Aside from that, as preparation, be sure to let a person or two (should be close family or friends) where you’re headed to, what you expect, and when you are expected back. In this case, others will try to know how you’ve been if you have not gone home on the expected day.

2. Essentials

As part of preparation and something which is needed during the  hike, be sure to bring enough essentials to cater to your needs.

Hiking Essentials
Image source: Flickr (Click on image for bigger size)

Aside from clothes you can wear during the trip, you should also bring food to eat, as well as little energy-giving snacks. This will help you fair in between hikes before actually stopping for a real break.

Moreover, always remember to bring enough drinking water to keep yourself replenished during the journey. If you know it’s going to be quite hot, bring more water to replenish the fluids excreted through sweat.

Fire and camping materials should also be brought, as well as a first aid kit complete with at least the basic needs to apply first aid in times of injuries and accidents.

Additionally, a hiker should always bring along an orienteering material such as a map, a compass, and a cellphone, especially in cases where the trail can be quite confusing, leading to someone getting lost. Though most of the time, there’ll probably be no signal, a cellphone can pick up frequencies at certain positions and spots, which can be helpful in getting help if you’re lost.

3. Common Sense

Aside from all these, the most important in hiking safety and precautions is to have and to bring at least a small amount of common sense.

Having common sense will guide you to make the best decision you can have when facing two unlikely choices during a hiking trip. It will be most useful in times of emergencies, where you most likely will panic and fret, making the situation worse.

Pack a bit of common sense and use it properly when making a decision which can either save your life or ruin it.

Having these three things prepared when planning for a hiking trip will definitely save you from trouble, as well as keep you away from it.

However, bringing a companion along will definitely boost up your morale and safety since you can look out for each other. Not only will it be fun, it will be safe and fun at the same time.

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