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The Grand Canyon and 10 Grand Reasons to Visit It

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the most visited tourist sites in the world. It is not only a place of beauty; it is also a prime center where the oldest culture and history blend to form a gigantic mass of land worth visiting and experiencing. In this sense, the site itself is not simply for show, but for a unique and mind-blowing experience.

The Grand Canyon located in the state of Arizona has a National Park, which caters to millions of tourist per year. As proven by this number and by the many visitors the park has accommodated, the site is indeed one thing to look forward to and to keep coming back to.

However, to those who are still indecisive on their decision to visit the site, questions such as these might running in your mind, “Why should I go? What are the reasons why I should I go?”

In answer to this, here are ten good reasons that will definitely convince you to go:

1. Natural Environment

Most of the reasons why tourists and other guests visit the Grand Canyon are because of its timeless beauty, made possible by pure nature.

The site itself is a remarkable beauty stretching for hundreds of miles until where the naked eye will have difficulty to reach and follow. It is made mostly of the earth and many ancient rocks.

Nature at the Grand Canyon
Image source: Flickr

Aside from that, the canyon itself gives you an up close and personal view to the interesting features of the land, the variety of rocks, and the many desert habitats, which you can’t clearly see without visiting the place.

The site itself is nature and will bring you even closer to the heart of nature through a wonderful visit.

2. Education Programs

The second reason why you should go and visit the Grand Canyon is the many educational programs offered by the National Park to all the guests who come to visit every day.

As the site brings you closer to nature, it also gives you an opportunity to learn more about this part of nature. Moreover, it is an opportunity to unveil the many mysteries surrounding the natural characteristic of the Canyon.

It will not only prove to be educational, it will also prove to be a worthwhile experience since the more we learn, the more we know how to take care of it.

3. Historical Connections

Many of those who have examined the Grand Canyon fail to trace how far back to history it is indeed connected. The most prominent of researchers say that that the Canyon can be dated before 1200 BCE, way before the emergence of the culture of Native Americans who lived there.

No matter what date the Canyon’s birth is, there is definitely something historical with the site where many cultures emerged and pass through for thousands of years.

4. Many Accessible Options

As stated earlier, the Grand Canyon caters to millions of tourists per year, encouraging it to have a few facilities to cater to the needs of these visitors.

Since then, facilities have emerged, though at a distance from each other. These facilities provide for the needs and convenience of guests, especially those with special needs.

Wheelchairs are always available for use and special pathways to the best sites are made to cater to these special guests.

5. Tons of Exercise Related Activities

Aside from sight-seeing, the Grand Canyon also offers hand-on and exercise related activities which will definitely define the word “experience” in your vocabulary.

Activities at the Grand Canyon
Image source: Flickr

Activities such as hiking, biking, and whitewater rafting are the most popular in terms of adventure, fun, and experience. Such experiences will surely change the way you perceive exercise especially in nature.

6. Junior Ranger Programs

For kids, the National Park at the Grand Canyon also offers Junior Ranger Programs that will definitely motivate them in preserving the site and representing it to their peers and acquaintances.

Let your kid join and watch him have fun in the swearing in ceremony and after receiving his badge. It will not only make him proud as a child, he will also learn a lot of things in order to preserve and take care of nature and experience a lot of adventures that will be a highlight in his childhood memories.

7. Camping Opportunities

For groups of families and friends, a visit to the Canyon gives you an opportunity to camp in the exotic landscape of earth and rocks.

The unique experience gives you a chance to choose between an RV or a tent, then experience the many activities which makes camping in the Grand Canyon special.

You can always have a picnic while gazing at the beautiful landscape or ride a bike and explore the many miles of Grand Canyon stretch.

8. Opportunities for Auto-Touring

In most sites, cars cannot be used in touring, which prompts people to hike or use a bike.

However, due to the hugeness of the Grand Canyon, it allows its guest to have the comfort of touring in a car, without having to endure the heat and the long and tedious hike along the rough paths.

Though, this is a totally different way of experiencing the site, it is also the easiest since you can just sit back and still see the many aspects of the beautiful canyon.

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon
Image source: Flickr

9. Wildlife

Aside from its natural environment, the Grand Canyon also features hundreds of species of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and fishes.

Visiting the site will definitely give you an opportunity to see these creatures, as well as to observe them and get to know them. This wildlife viewing will not only prove to be fun, it will also be very educational.

10. Air Tours

However, if you are still not convinced about visiting the Grand Canyon, then this reason should change your mind in an instant.

The View from the Sky
Image source: Flickr

If you’re a person who loves outdoor activities, or even if you’re not, you’ll definitely fall in love with the air tours that the park offers in order to explore the canyon from above. Imagine yourself in a helicopter ride atop the beautiful landscape of the Grand Canyon. Can you see the vast yet amazing terrain of the site? What do you think?

If you do decide to visit, check out their site and see what you can find. If you can book something, book in advance.

It will definitely be an awesome and unforgettable ride!

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