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Travel Under the Sun! Riding Essentials Riders Should Know

Summer Travel _ Motorcycle Trip

Riding a motorcycle is a great way to experience the thrill of the open road, and it is more enjoyable during summer! The bright season can leave you without worries of the cold and frequent rain that can jeopardize the riding fun. However, there is a challenge that remains, and that is by keeping yourself comfortably cool under the hot summer sun.

You may be a seasoned rider, but you always have to remember that comfort plays an important role in keeping you safe all throughout your travel. Summer is warmer than any season, and before you ride, it will be best if you will check your riding wardrobe and see whether they are appropriate for summer riding. If not, you better upgrade your closet and pick motorcycle gears that will keep you ventilated and enjoy the season to the most.

To help you look for gears best for summer, below are few essentials: 

#1 Wear a motorcycle gear designed for the summer weather.

Motorcycle Clothing - Helmet
Image source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

Look for a helmet that offer good air flow. You surely would not want to feel suffocated while you are trying to keep yourself protected as you ride. Wearing a helmet is very important and you have to choose wisely for your own safety. There are plenty of helmet from trusted manufacturers with great options for summer-friendly travel.

Pick a jacket that can keep you cool. Mesh jacket is popular pick during summer. Because mesh is a highly breathable material, riders can ride without worries of too much heat that can cause excessive sweating. Riding over too hot weather can easily cause the rider fatigue especially when touring or participating in motorcycle sports.

Choose pants that takes away the heat. While there are riders who would rather go for denim and textile in their ride during summer, nylon mesh is one awesome material to consider.

More to wearing the right gears, below are riding tips to keep you cool during a hot summer ride.

#2 Plan your riding route.

Summer Travel _ Motorcycle Trip
Image source: Pixabay (Click on image for bigger size)

In the US, using freeways make travel faster. However, they can make riders exposed to direct sunlight that can bring discomfort in the long run. Nothing can be more worrisome than making a traffic stop on the road under the heat of scorching sun wearing thick gears that you will not dare take off for your riding safety. Ride on a freeway if you are in a rush, but make sure to ride before the sun gets too hot. Ride early morning or afternoon when the sun is down. Here are other tips to remember to avoid the heat.

  • Look for a route lined with trees. They are normally cooler and offers good amount to shade.
  • Avoid route with plenty of stops because it will expose you more to the sun. Too much sun-exposure is not only bad for your health, but also for your bike. Your bike’s engine may easily get hot.
  • Avoid route where traffic is heavy and route with road repairs. If you happen to encounter traffic unexpectedly, turn off your engine before it gets too hot.

#3 Bring riding essentials for the hot weather.

Summer Travel - Hydration Pack
Image Source: Commons.Wikimedia (Click on image for bigger size)
  • Bring water, better if a hydration pack. Many riders go touring in summer, if you are joining the exciting ride, better prepare yourself with plenty of water to keep you refreshed and hydrated all day.
  • Breathable gears is a must in summer ride. As what we mentioned above, clothing is vital in ensuring your comfort. Invest on good jacket and over pants made of mesh or textile. Prefer gears with removable CE protectors to be your joints cushion and protection.
  • Pack extra clothing in your motorcycle bag. When your inner shirt gets soaked with sweat, having pieces to change can help a lot for your comfort.

Spring and summer are undoubtedly the best riding seasons, but for those who reside in the southern states of US, riding could be more complicated as the weather in the area is hotter. If you are traveling in other countries especially those with tropical climate, better be prepared of the weather changes.

Traveling with your bike is a fun adventure. Plan it ahead, and mind the weather and your health!

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