Couples who are planning for their wedding simply cannot wait for the day to come. However, behind all the excitement, there is a huge challenge that lie, a challenge that must be surpassed accordingly to ensure that the big event will be as perfect as it could be.
Brides would want their wedding to be as special as possible, and the challenge may be twice as difficult if the bride’s desire is to have a destination wedding.
Destination wedding is probably the most exciting and romantic way to tie the knot. Visiting a far off land with a majestic scenery to boot, who would not want to say “I do’s” with the sunset at your backdrop or in a verdant grasslands of the destination you have always dreamt of visiting?
Planning a destination wedding may not be that easy, but it could be accomplished with efficient preparations. While everyone’s destination would be different, here are a few essential reminders that might assist you in planning the wedding of your dreams:
1. Give Yourself Ample of Planning Time

The primary complication in a destination wedding is the availability of your guests. Preferably, you have to plan 18 months before the big day so your options will not be limited. Decide on the date and send out your “Save the Date” cards as immediately as possible to allow your guests to incorporate your wedding date to their annual leave. You would want your wedding to be witnessed by the people you matter to you and your partner the most, so you need to make it easy for them as well.
More importantly, enough planning time will save you from the exhaustion of cramming. If you want your wedding to be void of unwanted complications, block it ahead by listing all the essentials and working on them in an organized manner. Remember that the make or break of any event will always boil down on how they were planned.
2. Consult your Plans with Your Family
A destination wedding may not be the wedding that your family would want for you considering that some family and friends may not be able to come. However, the wedding is your day and it is your dream to be made into reality.
Your family definitely wants you to be happy. Be easy with them and ask for their support in what you are planning of doing. Nothing is more joyful than knowing that the people you love is happy for you and are willing to help you in such big undertaking.
3. Get the Help of a Wedding Planner
Planning a wedding at home can be strenuous enough so how much more if you are planning a destination wedding? Language barriers, lack of knowledge, and stress due to expectations can be a great stumbling block so you have to find a solution that will save you from these challenges.
Find a travel agent slash wedding planner who have a vast knowledge in arranging destination wedding packages. While you can do it yourself, having an expert to assist you will tremendously save you time, effort, and in the end, plenty of money too. Wedding planners who understand your wedding destination have access to the best deals in the area. They are able to help not only you, but also your guests who will benefit from transportation and accommodation expenses.
4. Take Note of the Legalities
There is no doubt that a destination wedding is truly a romantic way to start your life as a new couple. However, more to ensuring that your wedding program will go perfectly well and your guests will experience a memorable getaway, you have to ascertain that you know what’s legal in marrying in the country of your destination.
Talk to your wedding coordinator in the area and know the laws of the country before booking your wedding. Some countries for example do not allow couples to be married unless they have been resident for months or years.
5. Hire the Right Wedding Photographer
When it comes to a memorizing wedding, you need to make sure to hire a professional photographer first. Also keep in mind that you might need to have a backup photographer, just in case the first person you hire gets sick and couldn’t attend your wedding.There are many wedding photography services such as Focus Photography that can help you with this.
The wedding is wondrous event that mark great significance in a couple’s lives. It is a day that they will promise to share a lifetime, a day they will commit to one another, a day that they will begin to write a new chapter in their love story. You can make it as perfect as you wanted it to be. Plan ahead.